Monday, January 17, 2011

The Number #1 Mistake Everyone Makes...

The Number #1 Mistake we make is forgetting...
The ONLY Thing You/I Have Control Over Is...
OUR Thoughts and Feelings

Not anyone Else's thoughts, feelings or actions.

Often we think, "if they (whomever 'they' are) would change what they are doing I would feel better, I would be happy." ('They' could be the government, political party, children, the boss, spouse, friend, mate or lover.)

Because we forget that we can not control others thoughts and feelings and that we can control our own we mistakenly give ALL our power away by wanting others to change their thoughts and behaviors so we can feel better.

Does it seem sometimes that others have the power to negatively effect your experience... (what if this isn't true?)

Does sometimes others think their happiness depends upon your response to them... (what if this isn't true?) Do you think that others happiness depends on what you do?

How often you think it is important what others think of you and you work hard to get approval from them... (sometimes it seems to work and lots of time it doesn't.)

All of the above would be true IF and it's a BIG IF...
IF you could think or feel for another person but...
Everyone instinctively knows no one else can think or feel for you and you can't think or feel for anyone else.

As a Master Teacher reminds us...
I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts... You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction.

As  was written in the last blog post when you or I feel bad,  sad, mad or negative it is not because of what anyone else is thinking, saying or doing. We feel that way because whatever thought we are thinking is not in alignment with what the real You/Me is thinking and our High Self (Inner Being, Source, Universe) will not go there with us.

It is a GOOD THING to celebrate when we 
feel bad, sad, mad or negative. 
It means our communication system with the Divine (greater than, non-physical) is working perfectly. 

However one of the main reasons we don't celebrate is we misinterpret the information we are receiving. Because it has been modeled to us by society, parents, church, government, TV, radio and most things around us when we feel bad or negative we think that means... Someone else needs to do something. They need to stop what they are doing. Stop saying what they are saying and be different and then "we" will feel better and everything will be OK.

Things that we think will make us feel better...

"If the liberals would do the right thing our country would not be in the trouble it's in and we would all be better off." 

"If the republicans would stop being so greedy and care for the poor and downtrodden we'd have a better health-care system."

"If we took care of the poor instead of fighting wars  over oil we'd be a lot better off."

"Taxes are too high."

"If (s)he had not have done that we'd still be together."

"Why don't you do it this way?" 

The opposite statements that make others feel better... 

To feel better there  is just as many people who think the exact opposite.

"If the progressives were allowed to run this country everything would be a lot better off."

"If  the free-market was allowed to operate unencumbered there would be prosperity for all."

"If we enough oil, oil prices would be cheaper and we could take care of the poor as well."

"Taxes aren't high enough."

"We'd still be together if (s)he would have listened to me."

"I tried to do it that way." 

The Number #1 Biggest Mistake we make is...
Thinking and Believing Our Happiness DEPENDS On How Others Act and How Situations Change!

 We think...
If everything would work the way I think it should then I would be happy. And as my Grampa Vetter would say, "Hows that workin' for ya?"

Even though it seem sometimes that others have the power to negatively effect your experience. That is never ever true: the only person who can is you by your response and your response comes from your thinking and feelings. And you can have direct control over your thinking and feeling.

Even though sometimes others think their happiness depends upon your response to them.  That is never, never true and if you think it is and encourage it from others it only leads to trouble for both you and them.

Even though you think it is important what others think of you and you work hard to get approval from them. The true is there is very little you can do to keep someone's approval coming to you because their approval is never about you; it's about them.

When someone gets anger at you, whether by word or action, their struggle, their fight, their anger is not with you; it is with themselves and if you don't take their words and actions personally--understanding it is their own personal issue--eventually they will leave you out of it. (However, if you take their words and actions personally it will continue to involve you until you can shift to a place of neutrality.)

One of the fastest, most effective ways to shift to this specific place in your thinking and feeling is This One Secret. (Please be advised that the introductory appreciation for This One Secret is about to expire and the appreciation will be raised to $97.)

To learn more from Dr. Houston Vetter, aka Doc Houston, Houston, hey you or DocResults visit


  1. I recently subscribed to your blog, and I am so glad. The two I have read so far contain lovely and profoundly useful insights... IF I remember to remember them. :)

  2. Kim, I am very glad it is helpful. Please pass the bog on to others. To Your Best, Doc Houston
