Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hearing The Voice of God...

How Do I know If I'm Being
Lead In The Right Direction?

How To Hear The Voice of God Clearly
(i.e.Your High Self-Inner Being-Source)
How useful would it be to be able to have clear,accurate communication from God or your High Self or your Inner Being, your Source or from the universe?

Communication from the divine for many people seems to be a tricky thing. Many people are confused as to which message is from divinity and which are not. Then there is the problem of what exactly the message is saying and what to do with it or how to follow the message that is given.

What if I were to tell you the answer to ALL those questions are not what you think and the way and exactly what divinity is communicating to you is very easily understood and extremely useful and can be followed directly and fully.

Your High Self  (God, Source, Inner Being) is always saying the same thing. There is no positive or negative or even judgment in what your High Self (HS) is saying to you. There is only encouragement. Your HS has set up your communication exactly like an Auto-pilot system.

All the HS is concerned with is whether or not you are aligning with who you have become in your totality or are you moving in a different direction.

Anytime you take in information and everything is energy (light and information) you, quicker than you can consciously think, take the information and decide which side of it is wanted and which side is unwanted. (They are both ALWAYS there, as that is the nature of duality.+/-, yin, yang)

Your HS takes the aspect of what you want and becomes it and vibrates that. Your HS will no longer give any attention to what you do not want, the unwanted side of the information.

Your HS has set up it's communication in the most basic fashion known to man. ANYTIME you feel bad or negative or spiteful emotions it is your HS communicating that you are perfect and working perfectly as ANY of those unwanted emotional feelings are your HS letting you know that you are thinking thoughts (and they may seem true or even justified to you) that your HS does not and will not think on whatever subject you are feeling mad, sad, angry about.

As I once told a friend of mine who is a very strong Christian, "It is real easy to follow the Lord and know if you are quote "obeying him" or not. Any time you feel bad, it doesn't mean anyone is wrong or bad or something external needs to be changed... all it means is whatever thought you are currently thinking is not in alignment with what the spirit of God inside you is thinking and (s)he's not going to go there with you. That is why you feel bad, sad or mad. It is your indication to think other thoughts that feel better and as you do that pretty soon you'll be back in alignment with 'Christ in you, your hope of glory.'  His response was, "Gee Doc you make it so simple and that's what Jesus did."

When you feel good you are thinking thoughts that are aligning more with what your HS is vibrating and the better you feel the more you are aligning with your HS.

Your HS knows (more than just head knowledge) that energy flows charges and builds where attention goes. The reason anyone ever feels bad or negative or any unwanted emotive feeling is not because of what happens externally even though that's what we think. The reason anyone ever feels bad is because their HS (Source, Inner Being, Spirit, whatever...) does not join you in your attention to what is not wanted as your HS knows all it takes for something to repeat itself is attention, nothing more.

To learn more from Dr. Houston Vetter, aka Doc Houston, Houston, hey you or DocResults visit 


  1. This is an Abraham Hicks teaching.

  2. A good teaching is taught by many good teachers
