Thursday, February 24, 2011

Self-Healing For The Rest of Your Life!


 Just taking a break from putting together the Training manual for the upcoming Self-Healing Workshop on Organ Regeneration and I wanted to encourage you to come join us in a place that is filled with Zero Point Energy, i.e. the Scalar Wave Chamber at the Enhancement Institute in the Galleria (Houston, TX).

These processes are things you can use for the rest of your life for Self-Healing. You can use this stuff on relationships and money and work and job and pretty much anything you can think of.

And the wonderful thing about this is... you can use this to help other people as well. Help yourself and help others, now that beats a sharp stick in the eye any day and what more could you ask for?

Would you like to have a thicker head of hair or more of it?

Do you have an ideal weight you would like to obtain and maintain? 

How would you feel if your skin glowed and was tight with vitality?

Would you be happier with strong healthy teeth?

If any of those are of interest to you or if you would like to...

Have zero money worries...

Feel comfortable around people you think have more power than you...

Get rid of that nagging health problem...

Know more of who you really are on the deeper levels of your being...

Then come join us in a very special place for a very special training on what the Russians have called "The New Knowledge" for harmonizing the world. The Russians and others around the world have been using this fantastic information to Re-generate Organs and every other aspect of life, you want to bring into harmony.

There is no time like the present to change the future and harmonize your life and the world around you. Sign up now by clicking here.

To Your Best,
Doc Houston

P.S. When you join us now you will be in for a real treat as you also learn how to make things happen faster than everyone else around you.

P.P.S. You will actually feel the difference in yourself and you will have skills you can use the rest of your life.
P.P.P.S. Instead of waiting, Sign Up Here and make a difference in your world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Root Cause of Personal Problems- Emotions, Can Be Controlled

I have something FREE for you today that you can use over and over and into the future to be happier and happier!!!

Everybody pretty much knows what a problem is; it is that thing that keeps you from feeling the way you want to feel. The funny thing is the way we interpret our emotions make us think the problem is outside of us. We think that if a situation changes then we will be free of that problem and no matter how often that doesn't happen, we still keep expecting it to be different.  However, until we address the root cause of a personal problem which is the energy charge created by emotions it will keep showing up in one form or another.

Not to long ago on the world stage Egypt felt they had a big problem because they had a leader who would not allow democracy to take place and was doing everything possible to keep it from happening, so the people of Egypt held demonstrations all over the place until he stepped down and turned the government over to the military.

People were going crazy celebrating during the following days and just like with personal issues and challenges, because they are not really dealing with the root cause of the problem, i.e.the energy behind the emotions, nobody is going to be happy with the end results. They will have to settle for something less than what they really want. Even in the middle of celebrating there was worry and dread about what will actually happen.

There are specific challenges that have to be addressed for any problem to move to a resolution. However, most people think that if what they see is changed the problem will no longer be there. Unfortunately, that is just a surface band-aid that has roots that go way deeper. To clear up a problem so there are no more problems, the emotional energy in a number of places must be changed. Those places are the structure of roots that created the problem in the first place.

There are a lot of processes on the market today, like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), created by Gary Craig  that helps address the emotional energy of a problem. Even though EFT is a good place to start, as it addresses the emotional charge inside the individual that creates the problem, it can be improved and made more effective by addressing more areas where emotional energy charge builds up.

The specific structural areas which gather emotional charge that most are unaware of are
  • ·         past events,
  • ·         the ease of removing the charge of the problem,
  • ·         forgiveness,
  • ·         the future,
  • ·         the other people’s energy and
  • ·         how one would like to feel instead of how they feel about the problem.
There is a system, Basic PEAT* protocol, that addresses a lot of the specific issues listed above and it has even been called ‘EFT on Steroids’ and with the addition of dealing with the past, it covers all the structural aspects of a problem. 

When an EFT practitioner or student is taught how to addresses all of these areas they become what used to be called an Advanced Master Practitioner of EFT. When one uses the above areas to remove all the root causes of a problem, it makes you a lot more effective in helping others. Learning any way to remove the energy charge of an emotion is valuable because learning ways to address the root cause is golden.

Imagine what it well feel like to get control over the cause of...
  • Depression
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • feeling out of control
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • any feeling you don't like
As my desire is that you become more and more free and that you have the life you want I wanted to give you the Basic PEAT Protocol to use as you will and to share with others.

Click here to get to the Basic PEAT Protocol (I call it Circuit Breaking and it used to be called Shallow PEAT because there is a deeper more foundational process called Deep PEAT. Click Here for more information on Deep PEAT.)

To Your Best,
Doc Houston

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Would You Like The Chance To Get What You Want?

Would you like to have a thicker head of hair or more of it?

Do you have an ideal weight you would like to obtain and maintain? 

How would you feel if your skin glowed and was tight with vitality?

Would you be happier with strong healthy teeth?

If any of those are of interest to you or if you would like to...

Have zero money worries...

Feel comfortable around people you think have more power than you...

Get rid of that nagging health problem...

Know more of who you really are on the deeper levels of your being...

Then come join us in a very special place for a very special training on what the Russians have called "The New Knowledge" for harmonizing the world. The Russians and others around the world have been using this fantastic information to Re-generate Organs and every other aspect of life, you want to bring into harmony.

There is no time like the present to change the future and harmonize your life and the world around you. Sign up now by clicking here.

To Your Best,
Doc Houston

P.S. When you join us now you will be in for a real treat as you also learn how to make things happen faster than everyone else around you.

P.P.S. You will actually feel the difference in yourself and you will have skills you can use the rest of your life.
P.P.P.S. Instead of waiting, Sign Up Here and make a difference in your world.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Have You Ever Wondered...

Why People Think
The Law of Attraction
Does Not Work

Here is an answer I gave when someone who is extremely well known in the self-help, change your belief field asked what I thought was a very odd question for someone in his position.

Here is the question he asked...
Have you ever wondered why sometimes the Law of Attraction seems to work and sometimes it doesn't?

Well, I have a theory that would explain why it works when it does. It has to do with intention and intuition.

After reading it (my blog on LOA), please post a comment and tell me and my readers if my theory is consistent with your experience.

Here is my response...

The best way I can explain this is to use your own concepts. You have said in so many words, events are happening with no inherent meaning and that the individual adds the meaning to an event and responses to the meaning one has added. I usually explain it by saying The 1st Forgotten Fundamental of An Exquisite Life is "The Individual Is the Meaning Maker".

The meaning I have made is different than the meaning you have made and I've written about it in my books, programs and on my blog. And you asked for it so here goes...

It is not the difference between intention and inspiration that determines whether or not the Law of Attraction works.  The Law of Attraction works perfectly well every time, no matter what. One does not break the LOA, one ONLY demonstrates it. I'll speak to intention and inspiration in a moment and before we can get to that there must be some clarity offered on the subject first.

To take advantage of LOA one must understand energy vibration and frequency. When one tunes their TV into HBO one does not get Lifetime or CBS or any other TV station, when one turns to HBO that is the only station one receives.

LOA is an energy vibrational law that works exactly like tuning into HBO. Whatever one's experience is in life it came through tuning in to the vibrational frequency that is equivalent to what is showing up in one's life.

I am not saying that individuals do this on purpose; no one purposefully vibrates problems, sickness or trouble of any kind into their life. When this happens people do this by default, not meaning to and not understanding exactly how vibrational energy (LOA) works. In some circles LOA is referred to as ‘resonance’ and in this case often people are in resonance with vibrations they are not aware of and do not want.

(Side note: However, if one does understand how resonance and vibrational energy work, it does not bother them when problems, sickness or trouble shows up as they apply what they know and change the vibration and it moves from problem to solution, sickness to health and trouble to calm.)

Back to our TV station analog… LOA is not for or against anything it only energizes, charges, builds and brings into material existence whatever station one has their focus of attention on because they tuned it in, just as your TV tuner or remote control is not for or against any one station over another. It only tunes into the station we focus on by pressing the channel, which brings us to the two words you have presented.

Words are not the actual energy and the same word can have different vibrations which tune into different stations. There are two basic vibrational stations one can tune into with every word. The first station is the station of having what the word implies and the second station one can tune into (with the same word) is not having what the word implies.

In other words using the phrase "I am wealthy or I want to be wealthy" or any so-called positive statement can tune into either of the stations wealthy or poor and the way one knows this is by how it feels. If it feels good one is tuning into the station that sends back the signal of wealth and that is what one hears and feels and then receives. If however it feels bad when one tunes into the station it means they are attracting the opposite of what they are saying, they are tuning into the station of lack of wealth otherwise known as poor.

So it isn't the word intention or inspiration that determines how the LOA effects one (as it always effects us), it is the vibration behind the word, it is the resonance the word creates that determines whether one likes LOA or falsely assumes it doesn't work.

After reading your thoughts on the subject, from my meaning of the words inspiration and intention, I think you are onto something and that you may consider a slight shift in perspective.

LOA is always working and it works all the time with inspiration and intention. *I think if it was understood that the energy of intention only has to be active for a quarter of a second to move into the Zero Point Field and produce the intended results it might encourage you to look at another word other than intention.

(*Awareness Technology such as “Quantum Innergetics” and Conscious Technology like “The Yuen Method” and “Matrix Energetics” have demonstrated this repeatedly.)

LOA works extremely fast with inspiration and intention for as you explained inspiration is self-generated, therefore it does not have to be re-generated over and over again.

Where beliefs come in and trips up the process, slows it down or even cause the opposite of what one thought they were attracting is when people attempt to use motivation and intention to work with LOA.

Intention will always be involved as that is focus of attention, Intention is the pushing the buttons on the remote and remember all that is needed can be as little as a quarter of a second.

The challenge is when people attempt to use motivation which is an externally, other than self, generated energy vibration which requires constant re-generation to keep the vibration going to get what one wants.

Motivations are where limiting beliefs can gum up the works as they haven't been dealt with. However with inspiration any limiting beliefs are suspended or dealt with which keeps the energy generated in the direction of what is wanted.

I submit based on my experience, and of course this is my understanding, (the meaning I made) that intention is not the issue as focus of attention, i.e. intention is always involved. My offering is that it is the use of motivation (which is an external, other than self, force which pushes) that causes some individuals to think LOA doesn't work when they don't get what they want.

On the other hand inspiration and intention will work faster, easier and quicker than motivation and intention every time. And inspiration carries one rather than pushing you.

 Oh BTW... LOA does not bring you what you want or don't want, it brings you what you vibrate and what you vibrate is not always what you want.

 One of the fastest ways to make The Law of Attraction work for you is to apply This One Secret.

To  Your Best,
Doc Houston

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another One That Made My Day...

Below is a note I just received that made my day and with permission I reprint it here. The note is about...


I am sick with the flu, but felt compelled to reach out and say thanks. I downloaded and starting reading your "Change Your Thinking" ebook, started reading it, loved it, but got caught up in other busy-ness.

This cold, snowy weekend, stuck inside feeling like crap with the flu, I have started reading it again. Damn, it's good. I'm not even nearly finished but as I said, just had to tell you how powerful it is.

I feel like this is going to be a big year for me, when I finally do become willing and able to let go of some crap and figure out who I really am. I'm heading to Ken's Phoenix workshop next month, and think that will be one piece of my journey.

Okay, back to reading now to see what else you and Grandpa Vetter have to share...


If you haven't gotten your personal FREE copy click on Train Your and get yours today.

If you want to purchase it on Kindle click here The Kindle version of Train Your Thinking

If you want to purchase the paperback version on Amazon click here The paperback (physical) version of Train Your Thinking

To Your Best,
Doc Houston

Now That's What I'm Talking About...

Hello All,

Just found this on a forum and it made me feel proud...

Has anyone purchased doc houston's This One Secret?
How did you enjoy it? frequencyzero

Hi, frequencyzero. Yes, I purchased This One Secret. I enjoyed it and practice it whenever I remember. I think it's brilliant, actually. Rosechalice