Just the other day someone was at their wits end and they wanted desperately to get the positive results they so deeply longed for. They have been attempting, to the best of their own knowledge and ability, to understand or come to grips with what some very wise people had been encouraging them to do and yet they were still victims of their problems/issue/challenges.
Here is the best I offered at the time as it seemed to flow out naturally. How else would one say this that might be useful to someone stuck and frustrated?
Dear Troubled,
Here is the bottom line with every individual and you happen to be running up against this more than most. It all comes down to what you feel (which is a vibration) which is created by what you think. There are two things no one will tell you and since people won't tell you they might be considered secrets.
The secret, no one tells you is no one else can think or feeling for you. Here is the BIGGER secret...
What you think/feel cannot be right or wrong as they are not true, they are ONLY what you think and feel. Simply they are thoughts you've repeated long enough to add a negative emotional energy charge, they have no actual meaning. In actuality they are meaningless events that you have added meaning too.
Up until now you have thought what you think and feel are true. They are not, even though that is how they feel. (I could explain how that happens-it's an energy thing and yet you, the individual, do it all.)
Until you understand this deeper than you do now, you may (will) continue to have difficulty getting or making anything work, whether I or anyone offers you a way. It might help you to read and put into practice your FREE copy of "Train Your Thinking, The Power Portal For Long-Lasting Success". Click Here to get your complimentary copy.
To Your Best,
Doc Houston